Salmon Of Knowledge

The Salmon Of Knowledge

The Salmon Of Knowledge

In Irish mythology, there is a story about a wise old poet, Finnegas, who spends seven years living by the river trying to catch the salmon of knowledge. This salmon was said to possess all the knowledge in the world, and if one were to catch and eat it, he would gain all this knowledge. Now Finnegas had a young boy, Fionn, living with him, who his family had sent to learn from the wise old man.

One day, Finnegas caught the famed salmon and instructed Fionn to prepare and cook the fish for him but made him promise not to take even the slightest taste of it. Fionn did as Finnegas told him. So he cleaned the fish, prepared the fire and spit, and began to cook the salmon. Unfortunately, a bubble of boiling fat burst on his thumb as he was trying to turn the fish. Without thinking, he sucked his thumb in pain and, when it was finished cooking, brought the fish to Finnegas.

Salmon Fishing

The Best Knowledge

Immediately Finnegas saw the shine in Fionn’s eyes and knew he had tasted the salmon. He asked Fionn, and he assured Finnegas that he had not taken a single bite. Suddenly he remembered the burn and told his teacher. Immediately Finnegas knew that Fionn, not him, would have all the world’s knowledge, so he instructed the boy to eat the whole fish to complete his learning. Finnegas was able to pass on the best knowledge he had to the child in his care. This story made me think about my mother’s salmon-colored index cards. Each card has a bible verse(s) printed with care. Some have initials indicating that she prayed the verse(s) as a promise for the person(s) whose initials were inscribed above. Others have full names. I’ve found my name on a few.


My Birthright

I recently wrote about these index cards when I found them in my mother’s old belongings, and I have decided to choose a card a day to share with you. Mom had these cards in her purse, tacked on the walls, by her desk, in the kitchen, in her bible, often in clear plastic bags to protect them. Mom hoped to teach me all she could about the Lord. It was her greatest hope that I would gain an even greater knowledge than she did. So come with me on this journey of the best knowledge I can think of – the knowledge of God’s purpose for our lives.

Mom's Salmon Verses

Romans 12:2 Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – His good, pleasing and perfect will.


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