
Some person left this beautiful artwork for everyone to enjoy. I watched the entire process unfold over a few days. The artist left a note asking for people not to destroy it until it was finished. We all obliged. It had been up for quite a few days when the note appeared.


The note commented on the artist’s work and was a thank you note of sorts. Thank you for sharing your talent. The note was placed under a plastic sheet of saran wrap and a held down with stones and shells from the beach. Perhaps the note writer or some other fan added a pen. Then something truly lovely happened – people began adding their names and messages to the note. It was a spontaneous display of support for a complete stranger.

I was touched with the artist’s expectation – only requesting the opportunity to finish and the public response of  – we love it so much we will leave it up for weeks AND write a note to boot.

The joy I got from watching as the balanced stones grew from tiny to large and back down to tiny again over a few days was fantastic. The thrill I got from seeing the note and then signing my name was spectacular. I am sure there is a lesson in it. Balancing stones is difficult and takes patience – trusting that others will allow you to finish is brave and giving support with no expectation of reciprocation is amazing.

The whole experience inspired me to share my talents and to note when others share theirs. I hope to see your talents as well!

Proverbs 11:24-25 New International Version (NIV)

24 One person gives freely, yet gains even more;
    another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty.

25 A generous person will prosper;
    whoever refreshes others will be refreshed


    • The first picture is a panorama of the entire structure. 🙂 The second picture is of only the note. I’ll go ahead and add the panorama to the bottom of the bost as well. 🙂

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